This service is a one hour appointment with a midwife. She will review your history and answer your questions. If desired, she can educate you in fertility awareness and how to chart your cycle determining the best time for conception. She will also touch on nutrition, supplements, and exercise as it relates to conception, pregnancy, and general health and order lab work if indicated. After the initial visit, the midwives are available for phone consultations to confirm and/or maintain a pregnancy.
Preconception Care
Prenatal care typically begins at the 12th week of pregnancy or sooner if you desire. We want to take the time to get to know you and your family and for you to get to know us. We believe it's important to take as much time as is necessary to approach the woman and her family with a holistic perspective and make sure all questions and concerned are addressed. Therefore, the first appointment is scheduled for one hour and subsequent appointments are 30 to 60 minutes.
We will see you for routine visits once a month until 28 weeks, twice a month until 36 weeks, and then every week until your baby chooses his or her birthday. On an average we see a woman 11 times during her pregnancy, but visits may be scheduled more frequently if necessary. The visits consist of the mother’s weight, blood pressure, assessing fetal growth and well being, and discussing any questions or concerns. If there are health concerns, we facilitate transfer of care to the appropriate healthcare provider and provide tandem care if desired.
Prenatal Care
We do lab draws in-house and use an accredited laboratory to analyze the specimens so you don't need to go elsewhere. We work with a number of ultrasound facilities in the area and will order and facilitate this service if you desire. We also offer prenatal testing and counseling. We believe that you should be educated about and involved in your care and we take the time to help you understand your choices in order to make an informed decision.
Transfer Care
Are you currently receiving prenatal care elsewhere, but are wanting to explore your other options? We accept new clients throughout pregnancy and facilitate transfer of care from your current provider. It is never too late to take charge of your healthcare. Click here or call us at (406) 585-0752 to schedule your free tour and consultation to see if the Birth Center might be what you've been looking for.