Postpartum Care
After discharge from the birth center (usually 4-8 hours after delivery), our families go to their own homes. While mother and baby need to spend time recovering after birth, there is no need to be hospitalized and everyone is able to rest better in their own space.
We follow you closely for the week after birth. There are scheduled home visits 24 hours and 3 days after birth where we perform all required newborn screening, monitoring of health and safety of mother and baby, and answering all questions. If necessary, additional home visits are available and no extra cost. Families also have postpartum office visits at 1 week, 1 month, and 2 months. We do all well-baby care for the first two months of life. At two months old, your baby should start to see their pediatric care provider, or sooner if the need arises.
Testing for baby provided at no additional cost to you includes the newborn metabolic screen, pulse oximetry screening for congenital heart defects, and a hearing test. Birth certificates are filled for all babies born at the Birth Center.
"Graduation" from the Birth Center happens between 6-8 weeks postpartum. However, should additional questions or concerns arise in the months or years following, we are always here for you. We also provide wellness services and can be your primary care provider throughout your entire life.