Childbirth Education
At the Bozeman Birth Center, We passionately believe education changes birth outcomes and we desire every couple be educated in the birth process prior to labor whether they are planning a hospital birth, home birth or birth center birth. Childbirth education gives you options and helps you to make a plan for what your birth will look like. We believe in the quote by Diane Korte, “If I don’t know my options, I don’t have any”, and absolutely believe that childbirth is most certainly a time in your life where you should know your options.
We offer a 3 week class each month, occurring on the first 3 Monday or Thursday nights (depending on the month) from 6-8pm at the Birth Center. The class is $200 for those who are receiving care outside of the Birth Center and $150 for Birth Center clients.
Childbirth Education Interest Form
Topics covered:
Your Birth Philosophy
Your Care Provider’s Philosophy
Where to Give Birth
Birth Plan: Hopes and Dreams for Birth
Coping with Fear and Pain
Breathing & Relaxation Techniques
Your Partner’s Role
The Role of Hormones in Labor
Your Baby and Your Pelvis
The First Stage of Labor: Early, Active and Transition
Understanding Contractions
Comfort Measures
Labor Positions
When to Call the Midwife/Go to the Hospital
Pain Management – Epidural vs Aquadural
Interventions and Options
Second and Third Stage of Labor
Immediate Postpartum
Delayed Cord Clamping
Optimal Latch
Immediate Newborn